Hair loss is a little partial towards men and therefore, if you go by the statistics almost 70% of the male population suffers from it by the time they reach 35. Once they notice the symptoms, they start searching for all factors related to it. The reasons for hair loss, how to arrest it and how to regain them- all are a matter of instant concern for such people. They gather information from all possible sources- family, friends and of course, the net.
Then it is not a wonder that lots of information about hair loss is available and circulated on the net. But are all of them facts? No, they are not! Do you bother to cross check the given information? There are many common beliefs which are myths and have no concrete basis.
Here you will go through five most common myths about male hair loss which many people consider to be true.
The most common of all the misleading statements is this one where people blame their mother and maternal relatives for genetic hair loss. There is no scientific basis to this absurd thinking. The fact is that the gene of baldness can be inherited from either side of your parents.
Are you scared to use your dryer thinking it may lead to hair loss? It is true that excessive heat leads to damaging the strands by making them brittle. But it is absurd to say that it leads to hair loss because it does not damage the follicles. So, a temporary hair fall may occur but it is not the reason for permanent hair loss.
How often have you heard this one? Chemicals in hair care products do harm the follicles in the long run, but shampoo as such does not. Using it everyday may lead to damaging the strands causing them to shed prematurely but will not result in harming the roots of the hair.
This one is confusing because it has been proven that hyper sensitivity to DHT causes the follicles to miniaturize and cause baldness but testosterones as such is not to be blamed.
People keep on warning you not to take undue stress or tension as it may result in hair loss. This is again untrue. Stress triggers excessive hair fall but it is temporary in nature and therefore, once things normalize, hair is regained.
What you learned from this is the awareness that these factors can be hair fall reasons but they are not to be blamed for hair loss. Hair fall can be overcome by seeking effective hair fall treatment but hair loss will need restoration of hair.
Apart from these there are still many myths that misguide people but the smartness lies in being able to know the difference between myth and reality.
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