Men’s Baldness: How close are we to a cure?

  • 16 October 2021
  • Hair Experts @ AHS
  • 4 min. read

Hair loss problems are on a constant rise across genders and age groups. However, a significant rise in men baldness has taken place owing to multiple factors. The primary reason behind men baldness being more common than female baldness is that testosterone level is higher in men than in women. The presence of high testosterone affects the DHT hormone that ultimately results in hair loss.

Several other reasons like changing lifestyle, excessive stress, increased consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and increasing use of chemical hair products also contribute to hair loss. Thanks to technological advancement, there are multiple hair treatments available to cure Types of male pattern baldness. Several medical, surgical, and cosmetic procedures help eradicate hair problems to provide relief for a lifetime.

Doubtful about hair treatments to cure male baldness? Read with us to get an answer to all your questions.

What Is Men Baldness?

When hair loss continues for a significant period without any new hair growth, it eventually leads to a state of baldness. Baldness in men occurs more often than in women owing to their higher levels of testosterone. Baldness in women is less common than in men and often occurs due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, or PCOD. Other reasons like hypertension, thyroid, and heart diseases can also be responsible for hair fall.

Baldness is often caused by the hair follicles becoming dormant or dead that are curable with timely treatment. There are several cures for male baldness if the treatment is started timely. The first step to curing it is identifying the actual cause behind male baldness. In some cases, male pattern baldness occurs owing to hereditary factors, while in other instances, it can be the side effect of some strong medication.

Natural remedies can help cure male baldness at an initial stage of hair loss. However, one can opt for medical and surgical treatments if natural remedies fail to give the desired results.

What Are the Possible Causes for Men Baldness?

Baldness can occur due to a plethora of reasons, each of which comes with a different cure. Some of the common causes of male baldness are:

  1. Poor diet: Hair needs proper nutrition to grow fast and stay healthy. A poor diet lacking the necessary vitamins and nutrients makes the hair follicles weak and inactive. Several people face hair loss problems solely because of their poor diet. The best way to fulfill the nutritional requirement of hair is by taking a good diet, but you can also opt for multivitamin tablets if the need be.
  2. Lack of exercise: Exercising every day is good for the entire body, including the hair. Exercise helps in enhancing blood circulation and keeping the body fit. Lack of exercise and fitness can also cause severe diseases that can further cause hair loss. Therefore, hair specialists recommend exercising in some form each day to remain healthy.
  3. Drinking and smoking: Alcohol and cigarettes affect the body majorly and interfere with blood circulation, causing damage to the hair follicles. Drinking and smoking occasionally do not do much harm, but addiction can severely impact health and cause hair loss.
  4. Hereditary reasons: Male pattern baldness is one of the most common forms of baldness that occurs as a heredity problem in most men. Since it is patterned baldness, it is easy to identify it and cure it timely. In most cases, male pattern baldness needs to be treated medically in time to control it.
  5. Medical conditions: Many medicines consumed for severe diseases have hair fall as one of the side effects. It is, therefore, necessary to identify the medication that is not suiting you to cure hair loss. Further, medical conditions like hypertension, heart diseases, thyroid, cancer also cause hair loss.
  6. Hairstyling: Most hair styling equipment uses heat that damages the hair and makes them brittle. Frequent hairstyling is one of the most common reasons for hair loss. Further, many hair treatments and hair dyes use chemicals that lead to hair loss if used in excess.
  7. Scalp infections: Another reason behind hair loss problems in men and women is scalp infections. They occur majorly as a side effect of some hair product or skin disease and can cause massive hair loss if left untreated. Only medical treatments undertaken by hair specialists can cure hair loss caused by scalp infections.
  8. Stress: Stress is the most common reason behind hair loss in most teenagers. Therefore, experts advise engaging in activities like yoga and meditation that help in reducing stress. Besides hair loss, stress can affect the body in several ways, deteriorating overall health.

These are some of the most common reasons behind hair loss in most people. However, get a thorough analysis done by a hair expert to identify the exact reason behind your hair loss to get it treated. It is only with the appropriate treatment that you can expect the best results.

What Is the Best Treatment for Men Baldness?

There are multiple treatments to cure baldness ranging from natural remedies to surgical treatment. Natural remedies should be the initial go-to since they do not have any side effects and can stop hair loss in no time if it is at an initial stage. However, if natural remedies are not effective, then medical and surgical procedures can do the trick.

Medicinal shampoos and drugs cure hair loss and strengthen the hair roots. On the other hand, surgical treatments are beneficial at later stages of hair loss and can provide a permanent solution for a lifetime. Lastly, cosmetic procedures are non-surgical treatments that give the appearance of a full crown in basic steps.

For determining the best treatment for male baldness, it is essential to get a thorough scalp analysis done and identify the exact cause. Different procedures can work for varied people. Hair experts can guide you on the multiple options available in your case and help you pick the best one with the best results.

What Are Some Non-Surgical Treatments for Men’s Baldness?

Before undergoing surgical procedures, many non-surgical procedures can also cure hair loss with timely identification of male pattern baldness symptoms. These treatments include:

These are some of the most common reasons behind hair loss in most people. However, get a thorough analysis done by a hair expert to identify the exact reason behind your hair loss to get it treated. It is only with the appropriate treatment that you can expect the best results.

What Is the Best Treatment for Men Baldness?

There are multiple treatments to cure baldness ranging from natural remedies to surgical treatment. Natural remedies should be the initial go-to since they do not have any side effects and can stop hair loss in no time if it is at an initial stage. However, if natural remedies are not effective, then medical and surgical procedures can do the trick.

Medicinal shampoos and drugs cure hair loss and strengthen the hair roots. On the other hand, surgical treatments are beneficial at later stages of hair loss and can provide a permanent solution for a lifetime. Lastly, cosmetic procedures are non-surgical treatments that give the appearance of a full crown in basic steps.

For determining the best treatment for male baldness, it is essential to get a thorough scalp analysis done and identify the exact cause. Different procedures can work for varied people. Hair experts can guide you on the multiple options available in your case and help you pick the best one with the best results.

What Are Some Non-Surgical Treatments for Men’s Baldness?

Before undergoing surgical procedures, many non-surgical procedures can also cure hair loss with timely identification of male pattern baldness symptoms. These treatments include:

  1. Laser therapy: Under this procedure, experts use light energy to stimulate the dormant hair follicles thereby, getting the necessary nutrients for healthy hair growth. It is the best procedure in the initial stages of hair thinning and baldness.
  2. Cosmetic surgeries: Cosmetic surgeries allow the client to get the desired hair without undergoing any surgeries. Under this procedure, the aim is to provide the appearance of a full crown without using any needles.
  3. Medicinal shampoos and drugs: Another way to treat male baldness with minimal effort is using medicine shampoos. Hair experts can prescribe the best hair fall control shampoo in tandem with the need to cure hair loss and reduce dandruff. Further, oral medicines can escalate the procedure and give you the desired hair.

Besides these treatments, many natural remedies are also helpful in curing hair loss. These include using amla juice, aloe vera juice, coffee beans, tea leaves, coconut oil, and egg masks, among many others. To know these treatments better and pick the best treatment for yourself, consult a hair expert.

What Are Some Surgical Treatments for Men’s Baldness?

Coming as the last resort, a hair transplant is a surgical treatment that can cure even later stages of hair loss. Under this procedure, hair experts use a surgical procedure to transplant hair follicles from one part of the head with sufficient hair (donor site) to other bald spots on the head (recipient site). It recommences the hair cycle one again at the bald spots giving you a full crown.

Hair transplant is the Best Treatment for Men Baldness that provides a lifetime cure with no maintenance costs. Even though the treatment is slightly expensive compared to other treatments, it is a one-time investment to a lifelong benefit making it worth it.

A hair transplant procedure requires multiple scalp tests before the surgery to ascertain the plausibility and results of the treatment. The hair surgeon will also study your family medical history to identify any problems that might arise later.

At Advanced Hair Studio, our team of highly experienced and skilled hair experts provides the best Men’s Baldness Treatment to clients all across the globe. Using advanced technology and unique breakthrough procedures, AHS has set a new benchmark in the hair restoration industry providing top-notch services.

The most common hair loss treatments at AHS are hair restoration, Strand-by-Strand Cosmetic, Strand-by-Strand Ultimate, Flashpoints, Supernatural by AHS, Laser Therapy, Hair transplantation, AHS Home Program, and Advanced Hair Check. Over47 years, AHS has served over a million clients with these treatments sending them back home happy people.

Several celebrities from Hollywood, Bollywood, and sports have also availed of the services and enthusiastically endorsed them. With exceptional hair loss solutions to all kinds and stages of hair problems under one roof, AHS believes in providing clients with their desired hair.

Look up our website to read the client testimonials that speak for themselves. You can also check the before and after photographs of some of our happy clients to gain confidence in our services. Explore our various services and products to choose the best for yourself. Our experts can also help you choose the best treatment based on your needs and guide you on the procedure.

Book an appointment with Advanced Hair Studio today to get rid of all your hair troubles and get the best solutions possible for men’s baldness. Once you come to our studio, you will no longer feel helpless about your hair problems.

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Our Google Reviews

Nail Robins
I am honestly thankful to Advanced Hair Studios. I suffer from a hair-pulling disorder. There is this constant urge to pull off your hair follicles. It is painless when you pull but extremely painful when you see a missing patch on your scalp. But, I feel blessed with AHS hair fall treatment. I can see baby hair growing. It’s been two weeks. All I can see is low hair fall.
Sharid Sarwardhi
I have done my hair transplant surgery in AHS Delhi Branch on 2019 by travelling to Delhi from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The front and the back portion of my head were bald and through the hair transplant surgery, they have managed to cover the front portion of my head and the former appearance of my face returned back. The way they collected hairs from the donor portion did not affect my donor area at all. I am quite happy with my result. I have been consulting with them for a second seating so that they can cover the back portion of my head as well so that the hair density on top will increase and the bald portion of my head will reduce to a minimum level.
Prasoon Gupta
I have had a very long hair fall problem. I have tried so many treatments. I found the advanced hair studio reviews from facebook. Advanced hair studios have a large variety of treatments as per hair problem. Treatments are really effective. I am completely satisfied with their treatment and their hospitality. Staff is very cooperative. I would suggest trying this at once.

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