On this World Health Day, train yourself to be aware of your hairs health.
Yes, you read it right. Why? You would think to yourself! My hair is doing quite well.
That is the primary concern. Data globally suggests that many of us, when we are in stages of initial problems we tend to end up ignoring the concern. The body gives symptoms but the mind tends to believe otherwise. It has been found in a study that many among us end up noticing thinning or our hair or balding areas only by the time we have lost above 30% of what we had.
Now that’s a scary figure. Our exposure with clients across the world suggests a similar trend. Many who visit us are already in stages of hair loss what might be considered higher grades. But there is a way to bypass such a scenario and keep oneself safe. The answer to this possible ignorance is to have one’s hair health checked in the same manner one gets our body checked at regular intervals to understand how the body is able to deal with the vagaries of life. Stress, food patterns, lifestyle and a list of other considerable variants stand to take away our youthful looks and possibly confidence when one keeps moving towards higher levels of damage.
58% of our visits today are people in the age group of 25 to 35 across all the hair loss clinics we have across the Indian sub-continent. Almost 68% of these visits are from men and the rest are women. There is a tendency of the pattern of thinning and balding, also known as male or female pattern baldness, to be more evident in younger men and women with every passing generation. To know if one is facing such a concern the first step is always to undergo an advanced hair check and know for oneself how good the health of one’s hair is.
The rest of the steps can then be ascertained as per the diagnosis received and the factual matter of ones case. Our team of hair loss experts, renowned globally, are going to be visiting you from our hair loss clinic in Mumbai and help you ascertain just that. Get your Advanced hair check performed and check where your hair health stands. Keep a lookout for the possible signs of thinning that lead to balding and learn all you need to for maintaining your head full of hair.
Book your slot now and start your journey in the right direction.