This Influencers Hair Bleaching Goes Wrong on IG LIVE

  • 05 November 2019
  • Hair Experts @ AHS
  • 4 min. read

In order to be more accepted towards others, people have been known for experiencing body image issues and what they need to look like. They experience the images and other posts, which reflect on social media’s ideal “beauty”, with social media being a part of their lives the majority of the time. This can lead to disorders like anxiety, depression, low self-confidence, etc. Hence, it is important not to follow people on social media blindly and not trust them completely. Here’s a true incident that tells you why you should not follow social media influencers or celebrities.

Recently, an Instagram influencer was going viral as her hair dying turned into a nightmare that too when she was live-streaming it. Lori Faith, an 18-year-old Instagram influencer loves dying her hair into various colors to look cool or creative. She regularly changes her appearance by trying out different hair colors such as red, yellow, blue etc. If you bleach your hair often, you are bound to experience failure. While she was still bleaching, her hair started to fall out and she was bald within seconds. Fortunately, she already had very short hair so it still didn't much change for her. But, in most cases, it could have gone much worse than that as she could have gotten chemical burns, or scars. If you get scars after bleaching there is also a chance that your hair doesn’t grow back ever as if you have scars, hair doesn’t grow on scars. This story is just to remind us to be a lesson that if you want to dye or bleach your hair, the results can be disturbing. If you want to go for such treatments, go to professionals for post bleaching hair treatment.

Social Media Setting Unrealistic Beauty Ideals

Ever since the idea of smartphones and tablets started to appear for sale, social media’s popularity increased drastically. There are different types of “social apps”, where millions of people can create their own profile and speak with each other. Nowadays, social media not only consists of contacting friends and sharing memories, but it has started to become the complete opposite of its purpose. Social media started presenting boys and girls with their definition of what is perfect body or appearance and it has started to make an impact on self-esteem.

What is Hair Bleaching?

Bleaching is basically a process of lightening the color of your hair. Hydrogen peroxide is often used along with ammonia and toner to both changes and lightens the shade or pigmentation of your hair. And while bleaching can help provide you with countless different hair colors, changing your complete appearance and even personality, the whole process can negatively affect the health of your hair.

Hair Bleaching Side Effects


Bleaching can strip the moisture off of your hair. As your hair shaft comes into contact with the bleaching solution, it causes the hair to expand, triggering a disconnection in the cuticle scales that make up your hair. Though this is essential for the dye to break in the hair, thereby changing its color, it actually makes the hair much more absorbent than before. This can inevitably affect the moisture level of your hair, causing it to become damaged and dry.


Bleaching can also cause hair breakage. Breakage is also a result of the absorbent nature of the hair after bleaching. Prolonged exposure to the substance can continue to bring about additional separation as the solution used in bleaching causes the cuticle scales to separate, and hence results in the hair to become even more fragile. Overly-processed hair or previously bleached or dyed hair is already absorbent, so the application of bleach can bring about the same effect.

Discolored Hair

Discolored hair is another side effect of bleaching hair, which, unfortunately, is very common. Discolored hair can look quite hideous and it may even give the impression like you don’t care about your hair or your appearance. People often end up with this problem, especially if they just did it at home and weren’t able to apply the agents evenly.

Bleaching Hurts the Scalp

Bleaching can hurt your scalp quite badly, depending on your pain tolerance and your skin. Bleach is a really strong chemical so it’s not exceptional for it to give tingling or burning sensations if you make contact with it. However, it is better to remove the bleach immediately, if it gets really painful or itchy. You might be having a chemical burn or an allergic reaction, neither of which are good.

Your Hair will get really Dry

The biggest concern after bleaching your hair is that it gets really dry, which is mainly due to the process of oxidation. In case you are going to get your hair bleached, make sure that it’s done after an extra-long period of rest and relaxation.

Bleached Hair is High Maintenance

Since bleached hair becomes weak and prone to damage, it also requires a lot of aftercare. This means you need to maintain a regular hair care routine and use protective hair products every day. Also, remember to be gentle with your hair and not to treat them roughly.

How can I make my Hair Healthy after Bleaching?

Olive oil

Olive oil is a great ingredient to supply your hair with moisture. Soak up excess water after shampooing by clutching your hair with a towel. Saturate completely with olive oil. To trap the heat, wear a shower cap or plastic bag on your head. Rinse out completely after 15 minutes, until there is no greasy deposit left. Condition and style afterwards.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar balances your hair’s pH level as it is rich in enzymes. Mix one cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups of warm water. Take this mixture to massage into your hair after shampooing for about 15 minutes. Rinse well and then condition as usual.


Being in the sun for long hours can leave your hair looking fragile and dehydrated. By using hair care items that have sunblock help maintain its health. Look for hair gel, hair spray, mousse and spray-in conditioner that contains a high sun protection factor. Apply these products each time throughout your hair when you go outside in the sun or you can also wear a hat.

Hair serum

Hair serum covers each hair strand for protection against harmful chemicals and heat styling. Hair serum may contain silicone that prevents frizz and helps smooth hair. These serums may contain oils also, such as argan oil, infusing moisture into dry locks. Hair serums that contain sun-block help prevent your hair from sun damage. Take a few drops of hair serum after shampooing, and then smooth the serum on your wet hair. Cautiously distribute the hair serum consistently, starting from the ends and going up to your scalp.

Can Hair be repaired after Bleaching?

If you want to repair your hair after bleaching, then here are some tips that you can follow:

Wash Less Often

It is advised to wash your hair less often since hydration is so important for hair repair. Using more moisturizing products do better for your hair during this time. Use a cleansing conditioner in place of your shampoo and use a cream or butter in place of conditioner. Also, try washing your hair less often so your hair can preserve as much of its natural moisture as possible.

Avoid Heat and Color

After bleaching your hair, you must avoid heating objects on your hair such as the curling iron, the blow dryer and flat iron for a few months until your hair can handle the heat. Also, you should avoid touching your hair with any type of chemical processor, including dye and bleach, without consulting with a professional stylist.

Get Regular Trims

Make sure to keep your hair trimmed. This will also avoid split-ends. In fact, just dust your ends once a month to remove any damaged.

Deep-Conditioning Treatment

Use a deep conditioning treatment, twice a week. Your hair’s flexibility will improve because of the moisturizing ingredients used in such treatments. Many deep conditioning treatments contain oils, including sweet almond oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil. Using heat speeds up the saturation of the conditioner. Apply the treatment and put on a shower cap for the last 15 minutes of your shower for the best results.

Advanced Hair Studio is one such hair clinic that has a solution for all your hair problems and hair regrowth. There are hair experts and professionals who are highly experienced and have been treating hair problems for many years now. These hair fall specialists in Delhi Advanced Hair Studio have been providing various hair fall treatments to people from all around the world. Hence, instead of experimenting with your hair at home, get professional help. Get full consultation with Advanced Hair Studio and choose the most effective non-surgical hair replacement for your hair in case of your condition being in the advanced stages of thinning or baldness.

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Our Google Reviews

Nail Robins
I am honestly thankful to Advanced Hair Studios. I suffer from a hair-pulling disorder. There is this constant urge to pull off your hair follicles. It is painless when you pull but extremely painful when you see a missing patch on your scalp. But, I feel blessed with AHS hair fall treatment. I can see baby hair growing. It’s been two weeks. All I can see is low hair fall.
Sharid Sarwardhi
I have done my hair transplant surgery in AHS Delhi Branch on 2019 by travelling to Delhi from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The front and the back portion of my head were bald and through the hair transplant surgery, they have managed to cover the front portion of my head and the former appearance of my face returned back. The way they collected hairs from the donor portion did not affect my donor area at all. I am quite happy with my result. I have been consulting with them for a second seating so that they can cover the back portion of my head as well so that the hair density on top will increase and the bald portion of my head will reduce to a minimum level.
Prasoon Gupta
I have had a very long hair fall problem. I have tried so many treatments. I found the advanced hair studio reviews from facebook. Advanced hair studios have a large variety of treatments as per hair problem. Treatments are really effective. I am completely satisfied with their treatment and their hospitality. Staff is very cooperative. I would suggest trying this at once.

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