What kind of procedures do you have for hair loss?

Hair thinning and hair loss has been an aspect which finds understanding within each of us however the reasons and the concerns are quite different. As the core objective is to get a head full of hair to everyone we have a wide range of hair loss solutions that we provide to our clients.

Can AHS help us to feel more confident about look?

Hair is Confidence. Affirmatively agreed upon. Positively possible to be achieved for every individual coming to our hair loss clinics in India. Our core objectives of giving hair to everyone as per their age, face, expectations helps our hair loss experts to attain individually marvellous results to help continue the journey towards full confidence. Come and see for yourself.

Any procedure for which can be convenient for whom who dont want to travel regularly to Ahmedabad studio?

For a long period convenience within the confines of your home have been a top requirement that our clients across the world have been seeking from us. This is the reason our Home Program has become one of the most successful programs to combat hair thinning, across the length and breath of the nation. Read more about it here.

What/Who is AHS?

Advanced Hair Studio – also abbreviated as AHS, is an internationally present brand of repute working in the personalised spear of getting people their lives back. Hair as we have understood makes or breaks an individual. Understanding this need our teams of hair loss experts have been working over the past 4+ decades to find solutions that are meaningful and achievable for everyone who walks into any of our studio’s globally.

Are you available to Vadodara city? Or will visit at regular interval?

The city of Vadodara has played host to the hair loss experts on regular intervals. Since a lot of our patrons hail from this city and their love makes as keep coming back. Our team of hair experts have this city very close to our hearts. Not only do we visit the city on a regular basis to keep the interaction with our patrons alive but we have our patrons equally visiting our Gujarat Studio Based hair loss clinic in Ahmedabad. Our core objective is to get the issue that you are facing understood and hence resolved. You can reach out to us to book yourself a visit as we operate our hair loss clinics for all days of the week

All your brand ambassadors have taken treatment from AHS or they just are brand ambassadors?

Hair is quite personal – we understand. Over the past 4+ decades operating in the spear of hair thinning and hair loss we have had the pleasure of fulfilling the dreams of people from all walks of life. We have been lucky and blessed to have each of our brand endorsers as a client first and then get them on board as ambassadors as well, having shared their life journeys at getting their hair back. Advanced Hair Studio takes immense pride in having helped each of them fulfil their innate self. Hair to everyone – that’s one of our motto’s.

What kind of procedures do you have?

Advanced Hair Studio is regarded as the one stop shop for any kind of hairloss concerns. Our team of hair loss experts have specialized in providing solutions for hair thinning as well as balding. you need to visit us at one of our studios, so that we can check the condition of your hair loss and know the severity of your hair loss and suggest the suitable method or the combination of different methods. Once we get the idea of the effects of hair loss on your head, we tailor the combination of hair loss procedures customized for you.

Will we have to come to studio to take treatment?

Each program that is designed at Advanced Hair Studio’s is done to achieve very specific objectives for each of our patrons. If the need is felt to get committed to the program there a possible answers that our male and female patrons can undertake in the confines out their home as well as visit our standalone studio’s we have created to service each of their needs. The choice is yours. We can customise any of the programs to the specific needs of our patrons and have been doing so since past so many decades that now we are getting better and better at it.

I am not willing to travel. Can you please give shampoo and oil for hair loss?

Human history has had a long episode of trials and errors when one considers hair. The most common thought one has is to use products and shampoos to find the solution of balding. The truth be told. Since past many decades research work is proving strongly towards the facts as to why products such as shampoos and oils available at the mom-pop shops in our neighbourhoods have limited levels of gaining satisfaction to the levels that we expect as individuals. Since we need to gauge what is the level of damage for every individual we choose to provide solutions which will render the right answers. One such program that can be taken up is the Home Program from Advanced Hair Studio to support the expectations to the above query. Learn more

Will these procedures affect my brain?

Definitely not. Mostly, each of the procedures require the working to be done with the skin. Not the scalp, not the scull bone and definitely not ones brain. So yes, they do not affect your brain. On the contrary one might start feeling happy about ones hair, affecting the mind with happy-thoughts. Also it is vital to understand that all the procedures have been tried and tested in controlled environments for number of years.

Can I get a head full of hair?

Of course, you can. Our procedures are designed to give everyone the headful of hair they always wanted to have. Even if you chose to have hair better than you were born with, we will make it happen. Each solution is tailor-made and customized to attain the right solution. If required combination of hair loss procedures customized for you.

Are these procedure a permanent solution? If yes, how long will the results last.

As each issue is unique so are its solutions when it comes to hair loss. Similarly there are a host of options available to match ones concerns to the possible outcome of the procedures. The programs that match your requirement and the ones you choose decide the longevity of the results. Each solution has hence to be understood in detail to know whether the results will last one forever. To know more visit us and have all the possible answers to this question.

Are you a salon ,skin clinic or hair wellness studio ?

Advanced Hair Studio is a globally accessible organisation dealing in all things hair. Whether you are having issues of hair thinning or hair fall or hair loss, our team of hair loss experts will find the right solution for you. Not only that we have our own method of managing the fashion expression of our patrons as we have developed our own inhouse team to help you sport any kind of hair look you have in mind. Come and see for yourself. Our experts are waiting by to serve your needs.

Is hair loss a problem that has any effective solution?

The answers are many but what serves you well individually depends on a host of factors. This is what our experts will help you understand during your consultation where all problems are discussed in detail and effective solutions provided for your specific type of hair loss problem.

Is there any age restrictions for your procedures for hair retention and restoration?

In continuation of the prior question, the answer to this question in a manner has similar contention. The programs are designed for specific needs hence can be customised to be done at any age and it can safely be said that even gender would not play a role in most of the cases. For cases that may fall under exceptional cases the team is trained to identify the right solution and proceed with achieving the patrons expectations on results. Age is hence one of the parameters taken into account also. We have had experience of managing the lives of youngsters as young as 16 to 70+ be it men or women.

What is guarantee for transplanted hair?

Transplants have been in the arena for a good number of years now with a wide range of its success and failures. Our experts having had the exposure across the platform have hence created a unique program of Strand-by-Strand to support the expectations of our patrons and yes the results achieved so far during all these years are proof enough to expect them to be achieved for sure.

How's your treatment different from market offerings in terms of results?

At Advanced Hair Studio all the programs that are created are done in a manner to help achieve specific goals laid to our hair loss experts by our patrons. The programs are designed to give undetectable results in the meantime also make sure the utmost quality standards are maintained that are followed by the organisation across all the locations we operate in, be it India, Australia, Europe, South Africa or the UAE.

Why are some procedures of yours called Advanced?

The solutions are for hair thinning and hair loss have been tried for a long time according to human history records but to no avail in many of the cases. Over the past many decades the organisation has brought forward to its patrons solutions that can work in any condition and hence in a manner have been able to give Advanced results as per their own personal expectations. To know more see our procedures in detail.

Do you have shampoo or product for retail client to buy?

Most of the products that are designed have specific objectives. It however is vital to understand what would work and accordingly the products are issued as a support to the patrons suffering from various situations such as hair thinning, hair loss or total baldness. To understand what could be used is where the experts session is planned and an Advanced Hair Check is also done.

Travel time is utmost important Do I have to travel for the procedure.

Your stage and condition of your hair loss will ultimately decide what kind of program you should be undertaking. What matters post his is the fact what are the exact expectations you have pertaining to your hair. All these and many more factors will decide what kind of program should be taken up. The great part of Advanced Hair Studio’s various programs is the fact that there are a long list of possibilities as to how to undertake the program. There are solutions where no need of visits are needed and there are other possibilities where the program can be managed in half a days’ time also. Choose wisely.

Will any product work for helping in hair growth?

The issue that we have at hand is generally of various kinds. Being as simple as lack of the correct nourishing ingredients in one’s diet, the way certain hormones behave in certain conditions, the kind of products that one uses on the scalp to as simple as the individual having pre-disposition to hair loss due to parental genes. Hence depending on the issue at hand the answers do vary. To get a detailed understanding of the cause a detailed hair check is vital.

If I use anything from your products will I have the same concerns?

The programs created by the experts at Advanced Hair Studio are designed to achieve certain specific objectives. Having said that the products if used during these programs are designed and tested and are approved as well before they are made available to the end user. High levels of quality product management have helped us take appropriate steps to benefit the larger public at large who come to us with expectations of quality and commitment. Their trust in us is the one of core objective for us to fulfil for our patrons.

How soon can I start?

The programs have its own time of effort with regards to reaching your expected results. However the start of the program is possible at any given point in time as our hair loss centres are operational all days of the week. The day you are wanting to start is the day our team can support you to have your journey commenced towards a head full of hair.

Would we have to travel to Bandra get treatment?

Yes and No. Both possibilities are there. Over the many years of operating in this field our team of hair loss experts across the world have been able to create special programs where it is possible for our patrons to wanting to either come to our offices which are specially designed with the best infrastructure to fulfil their needs and in the same time also designed programs to be managed from the comfort of their homes. To know more about the same it is ideal to visit our hair loss centres and have a detailed understanding taken for all the possible combinations.

Cost of Hair Transplant?

Cost of hair transplants range across the world at various levels due to various important factors that end up getting lost in the consideration of many hair loss sufferers due to having high focus on the cost factor. When done right the focus on results far outweighs the costs as 25% of cases done today are botched up in many places where focus on cost reduction leads to procedures being performed not by adequate, skilled professionals or compromises on important health regulations. To know detailed information of various cost options feel free to connect with our hair loss experts as they can judge your area of loss to considered what kind of a solution would be apt as hair transplant may not be the only option available.

Are procedures guaranteed?

The team of experts at Advanced Hair Studio has been in the field of restoration for a good 4+ decades. Having spent such a long time in the field and having seen a lot of efforts being made by the patron it has been understood that such commitment needs to be rewarded with results. In order to do the same for every single case that comes to our team, a large list of possibilities have been designed with certain level of commitments and guarantees for the procedure or solution selected.

What’s the cost?

The costs of the procedures are individually dependent on a number of factors such as level of loss, possible expectations, the time lines one is comfortable to give to the programs and procedures. Hence we always recommended to visit for a detailed consultation which is designed to give all kind of information at one go in a very personalised, customised and private setting. So know about which hair restoration clinic you choose

How much time they will get result?

Honestly the time of getting the result varies for every individual. It generally depends on the hair loss condition and the hair treatment opted for. There are solutions that can start giving the results in 4-6 months also and then there are those which may take yields to come in 6-8 months and more. Solutions for instant results, are also there like Hair Fibers and Hair extensions.

Can excessive gym and exercise result in balding?

During exercising or using a gym one is actually getting the body to function on its optimum level to keep the various functions of the body in appropriate rhythm. The cycles that the body undertakes are supported by doing regular exercising. Hence it is equally right to understand that the right amount of exercising will actually allow better blood flow and hence a better follicle. A healthy follicle hence can support healthier hair. However, it boils down to supporting the body with the right amount and type of nutrients so the functions of the body are appropriately managed. Else it can and does affect the growth of one’s hair. Also, those individuals who are suffering hair loss from reasons other than food would still face the problem inspite of their regular exercising schedule. To understand you can always connect with our experts and find the right solution for your concerns.

Could my protein shake causing hair loss?

Hair loss in essence in majority of the case is caused for a vast number of reasons and is not that simple to presume its core issue. Having said that it is surely been seen by hair loss experts that certain chemicals do fasten the process of balding. If the case is such then the specialised Advanced Hair check can be performed to see the extent of thinning and understand what could be done to get one out of the problem of balding.

Has clients from other cities of Gujarat need to travel to Ahmedabad every time?

That is a very interesting and right query. The fact that the organisation has dealt with denizens and patrons from across different walks of life the programs are created in such a manner to serve their specifics needs. Considering this fact it has been taken into account to create programs where the choice of visits is in the hands of the patron looking to get their hair back. One such interesting solution is the Home Program.

What is the result of the procedure?

As each issue is unique so are its solutions when it comes to hairloss. Similarly there are a host of options available to match ones concerns to the possible outcome of the procedures. The programs that match your requirement and the ones you choose decide the longevity of the results. Each solution has hence to be understood in detail to know whether the results will last one forever. To know more visit us and have all the possible answers to this question.

Can I use any products like shampoos, oil etc., to stop the hair fall or for re growth?

The important answer to understand is to use the right hair products that are right for you. Formula and combination of the nutrients your hair needs. However it is also vital to abstain from harmful chemicals.

Which is the best Shampoo and Oil for my Hair. Will it help in solving my hairloss?

Any product that is used will have a variable difference for each of the users depending upon their hair type. With regards to the second part of the question, it matters a lot to understand that products are designed not for solving the problem of hairloss but to solve some supporting concern that leads to hairloss. These could be reasons such as a heavily oily scalp which may lead to concerns pertaining to scalp cleansing and maintaining a healthy skin to support hair follicles natural working.

What causes breakage of hair. Is it a sign of anything related to hairloss?

Most of the people who suffer from hair breakage would in some manner be having poor nutritional cycle with regards to food intake as well as it is highly possible that some form of poor hygiene is also to be accounted for. Usage of wrong products on the scalp which might be having chemicals which your scalp is not supportive to. Also the wrong combing and styling tools may also be causing this issue. In essence yes, breakage may often than not be caused due to an underlying issue. The details of the same can be understood with a personalized meeting with the experts and having a professional hair check done.

Will hard water cause hair loss, what to do?

The total number of people suffering from hairloss due to water though marginal it is true that hard water does cause damage and may aggravate the condition of hair loss. Using soft water helps to slow down the process. However the primary reasons for hair loss have still to be identified to understand whether water or something else is causing the primary damage. Talk to an expert now to know more.

Is colouring hair a reason for hair loss?

The colour of hair is attained when the body is able to have appropriate levels of certain pigment cells that allow the melanin to garner that colour in our hair. Over a period of time due to various factors this pigment cells reduce in our body resulting in the hair not getting its colour and getting the signs of greying visible. This can be both a condition resulting due to aging as well as certain medical conditions.

Can wearing a turban cause hair loss?

This condition that one undergoes through is something which is in technical terms referred to as “traction alopecia”. This condition is seen by all humans how have a tendency of strapping their hair very tight such as braiding, wearing turbans, pulling of one’s hair, etc. the problem is seen when the follicles get affected due to the constant pull and hence can result into permanent damage. There are certain cases that come to us with similar concerns and after performing the appropriate checks our team of hair loss experts would suggest the right course of action to get the desired results with support of a symptomatic solution.

Does the increasing pollution in the city linked to baldness?

Various number of researches and whitepapers published across the world by institutes of reports including Advanced Hair Studio experts have seen that the increased levels of environmental pollution can and are causing a lot of skin and hair problems for both the genders. The various toxins and chemicals that we find that constitute in the city’s daily life, which are found in polluted air or polluted water, are known to damage the Keratin fibres which are basically the protein molecules that form the hair structure. As a result, hair follicles which are also referred to as hair roots become very weak and fall. Hence in the longer duration the hair growth begins to slow down drastically due to damaged hair follicles. At Advanced Hair Studio we have had a large number of patrons getting affected by similar issues and that is where our team of experts try to understand the various issues and concerns faced by our patrons during a professionally managed detailed hair consultation to help identify the same and find possible answers to the same.

What is the cause that currently more and more youngsters are facing these problems?

Our experience shows that this is true. With every passing decade the average age of patrons visiting us is only reducing. Interactions with our clients have helped us understand that the concerns were possibly more evident in the later part of their lives a few decades back, while in the current condition it is showing up in patrons in their early twenties. This is dependent on a host of combinations such as family predisposition to conditions of hair loss, health factors as well as medical factors in some cases. On the other side of the spectrum usage of aggressive chemicals and medications of certain kind on the body to possibly the stress of prolong duration on the body. Having said that hair loss centre in Mumbai is equipped to support any individual at any stage of hair loss irrespective of their age as well as gender. You can always visit our center to know more and help yourself move forward.

Can the procedure affect their sexual life ?

The procedures have been designed over a long detailed process requirements and have also successfully fulfilled not only the stringent quality requirements of various authorities but also the hard expectations of a large section of the general public. Each procedure and solution provided by Advanced Hair Studio has been undertaken in the guidance of equally qualified set of experts who have taken due diligence to all possible health as well as hygiene queries of each of our patrons.

How to properly maintain results of the program so that its long durable?

Every program or concept at Advanced hair comes with its general and specific guidelines. These guidelines are created to help each individual coming to us know the exact process to manage the simple do’s and don’ts to have a satisfactory response on the end results. Talk to our experts to know more about them.

Why do we see a lot of hair loss in Punjab?

The problem of hair is not something which is location specific in general. There can be cases where certain kind of exposure to the various chemicals that are naturally present in the surroundings do play a role in the extenuation of various problems pertaining to hair. Also, over the past many years and decades that we have operated in this field we have found our patrons asking similar questions which is quite a natural understanding one might have as looking at so many people suffering the problem around us one may feel so.

What kind of food should I have to fight hair loss?

Hair is basically going to get its growth when the follicle is able to get appropriate amount of nourishment from the body. Having said that it is hence important to have the right kind of food to help in the growth. Sometimes even the right nourishment we take does not have supportive functioning at the physical level which results in condition of hair thinning as well as hair loss over a period of time. Generally speaking one can assume that such deficiency will not be creating a concern in a matter of days but is rather a condition prolonged over long periods. To know about the right food read further.

What are the side effects of SBS C & ALT?

Each of the programs that are offered at Advanced hair are chosen individually by experts in the field for each of the client. There is a strong process to maintain utmost quality standards to make sure the results do not render any side-effects. Detailed information of this can be obtained for each of the programs with the team at our studios across the country.

Is regrowth possible by applying products ?

The fact that our body is designed to have limited level of exposure to the external products and is unable to absorb a lot of ingredients it becomes that very difficult to expect only products to be able to achieve desired results. Having said that it is however possible to get some level of support from them depending on the kind of program one has opted for and the kind of expectations one has raised through them.

Should i be colouring my hair ?

The hair as the external part is a dead tissue as a matter of fact. However, it is very much possible to continue applying hair colour to the hair with a seasoned professional team as the wrong chemicals could in a way get certain kinds of concerns faced by different people. Colouring as an activity by itself should not be of a major problem, what matters is how the act was performed and whether it was performed by someone knowing what they were doing.

When should I get worried about hair loss ?

The right question to rather ask would be whether one can cancel out the possibility of reaching hair loss. If hair loss has already happened it means the follicles are dead and hence nothing much could be done about it. The solutions hence can be to fight the balding through concepts or procedures that can work in such a condition. The worrying part should actually be as soon as one sees reduced volume or excessive thinning of any nature on the top area of one scalp.

Is it a painful procedure?

Most procedures are not. It is rather the fear of pain and the anxiety which is more discomforting. The procedures do bring change and every change brings with it some anxiety. The real answer to this query is whether one is able to go through that fear and anxiety. Our teams have been trained over the last many decades to understand this reality and help the process of this change.

I have taken other products & treatments. But once I stopped all my hair related problem started again. Are your procedures really effective in giving permanent results?

The solutions designed for our hairloss clients are focused on giving the end results and are tried and tested not only in our labs as well as R&D centers but also have been tried by a large number of actual clients across different continents. We also suggest to be informed about the reality of certain products. Read more here

What causes dandruff and how to combat it?

Dandruff can be caused by a number of things. The overgrowth of a yeast may also cause dandruff. Frequent shampooing removes flakes, reduces oiliness, and prevents dead skin cell buildup. However these products are only there to support not heal. To know more talk to an expert.

Hard water causes hair loss, what to do?

"Hard" water is typically defined as water that has a high mineral content. This might make your hair drier and more brittle, which can lead to hair loss. Some necessary steps you can take:

  • Soften your Water
  • Get a shower filter
  • Try adding some alum to water

What is the exact cause of hair loss?

Hair as we know is one of the fastest growing tissues we have. Hence a lot of times small aggregations as well as harsh aggravations lead to sometimes short duration issues and other times of a longer nature. Since each individual has possibly a different concern the exact cause is also many times quite different. Having said that it is also quite known that food, water, sleep patterns, stress of any nature, either one or all of them put together can also be the contributing causes. A detailed consultation and a hair check is vital to identify the possible ailing reasons.

Alopecia areata case - do you have solution to the same?

Hair loss generally in majority of the population is an effect of long term concerns of certain kinds. Rarely does one face autoimmune concerns of such a nature. However as an Organisation dealing in Hair loss for the past many years our teams have been able to create programs to support the needs of such cases as well.

Is Hair Transplant done?

Affirmative. Yes. The procedure of a hair transplant is something that is considered highly as a solution for hair loss. Our unique procedure of Strand By Strand – Ultimate is designed to use the follicular hair of an individual to redesign a strong natural hairline as well as fill up bald areas on the scalp. The way the program is performed combining the best of the methods, new generation instruments and the best of the best clinical team, the results can hence be termed as guaranteed.

What’s the difference in a hair check here & coming to studio?

Hair loss being a complex personal concern, it is ideal to talk about it in detail and understand the options available. Foremost it is highly vital to choose the right option to have a fitment to the end objective. Our experts under this and hence the role of a detailed Advanced Hair Check at the studio goes a long way. Our team of experts are trained to invest as much time to help you identify and understand, in detail what can be the ideal solution for you.

Reason behind hair loss?

There are a host of reasons leading to hair loss. Read the following sections to know more about the same.

Is HT the only treatment for hair loss?

Over the years various solutions have been identified to fight the concerns of hairloss. The following section will help identify the various possible solutions that one can look at. You can also call us or meet our experts to gain insights for these problems in a personalized visit to any of our studios. To book a slot for yourself call us at 1800 103 11 91.

Can genetic hair loss be cured? Does the treatment work then?

A considerable percentage of people who come to Advance Hair Studio to fight the problem of hair loss fall in the category of genetic predisposition to hair loss. Apart from genetics a lot of other issues can also lead to hair loss. Understanding each of them is vital. And the good news is that our results speak volumes of the possibilities. Look at the results to understand what is possible.

Can Alopecia areata case have solution to the same?

It is possible to answer the concern of hairloss with a wide variety of solutions. Hence yes there are solutions for such concerns as well.

Will straight ironing cause hair loss?

Many among us often straighten our hair. And we always have a query if it will cause hair to fall out? Since the external part of the hair is a dead tissue it will never directly cause hair loss. However, if the chemicals used get absorbed by the body it may escalate the condition of hair thinning or hair loss which is being caused by other possible reasons.

What can be the primary possible reasons of hair loss?

The significant causes that lead to hair loss are aspects such as DHT build-up over the age of an individual, stress of certain nature, possible hormonal imbalances that can be termed as the primary reasons as many people coming to our hair loss centre in Hyderabad suffer from said concerns.

Are there any other possible reasons?

Apart from the primary reasons our hair loss centre in Hyderabad gets concerns of various nature that have resulted in worsened hair loss have been possible blocked pores as well as poor circulation in the scalp, poor diet and lack of digestive efficiency of the body.

Can I use any other products to maintain my hair or should I use only specialized products?

The important answer to understand is to use the right hair products because they have the right formula and combination of the nutritions your hair need. Other products might contain harmful chemicals.

Will my results look completely natural and undetectable?

Yes. That is the precise objective. The primary objective is to have that feeling of undetectability. Whether you opt for any procedure, the results have to be undetectable and should definitely not affect your way of life. People will just notice your great hair.

Can’t you suggest me a procedure which is only for 1-2 months. I want immediate results?

Only if anyone could. World research has shown there is no immediate solution for the concerns of hair loss. The reason that the loss has been gradual and has most often gone unnoticed, also plays a role in opting for the appropriate solution. Each issue needs a customized solution when we have to deal with Hair loss. Accordingly appropriate time is also needed to sort out the issue.

Does regular trimming of hair prevent hair loss?

Regular trimming cannot prevent hair loss. To get the answer of such question and related myths about hair loss, you need to visit us at one of our studios, so that our experts can check the condition of your hair loss, know the severity of your hair loss and suggest the suitable treatments/procedures or suggest possible combination of different treatments/procedures.

Are there any known side effects to the procedures?

Ideally not. The procedures per say do not bring with them any possible side-effects. Having said that it is vital to keep the basics right. The general guidelines followed by any individual do account to be taken note off and cared for.

Why are the rates in the market so different all across?

Not everybody in the market are hair restoration experts. Some of them do not guarantee you to give you the full head of hair. So they cost less but eventually you end up paying because of the failed procedures. So do not fall for them. Also some clinics charge extra than they should. So know about which hair restoration clinic you choose.

I do not want to get hair transplant or clinical treatments. Is there an alternate?

In line with this question the solution to opt is not always a transplant. And many a times the clinical solutions such as medications or topical solutions may not render the same level of answers as per our expectations. Hence a different set of options such as the AHS Complete or Strand by Strand Cosmetic program are there to help find answers to such questions.

Are your procedure guaranteed, will I get hair?

The core mission and vision with which the team of professional hair experts work under the umbrella of AHS, fall under the thought process of giving head full of hair to anyone. This is only possible with using guaranteed solutions for any kind of hair loss issue that the person might face. Visit us and know more.

Why am I suffering from a lot of issues relating to hair?

Hair is one of the fastest growing part of our physical existence. The hair follicle keeps taking required nourishment from the blood and keeps growing hair for us on an ongoing basis. Since the growth is so fast as a matter of fact, any change we come across might affect the growth cycle. If you have had any changes that come to mind pertaining to your lifestyle, various products or medications used on the body or as simple as any stress increase; these too might be the contributing factors for increased issues pertaining to hair such as hair loss or hair thinning. To understand this in detail you can always reach our expert team to seek the right inputs.
Call Now on 1800 103 11 91

Which effective treatment would you suggest for advanced stages which should not look unnatural and is cost effective?

Most of the times our team comes across this query. It is very natural to expect that since for so many years and decades one might have tried so many variations of home remedies, treatments or medications; that did not render the expected results; the hair loss solutions at Advanced Hair might too fall in the same bracket. Honestly this is the precise reason our teams have created a host of programs and procedures to fulfil the expectations of each and every individual coming to us. For details check out a few of our programs here and book yourself a visit to the studio’s nearest to you to get detailed understanding of the same.

Suggest the best possible and permanent solution to Hair loss.

Our team of hair loss experts in punjab and across the world have spent that last 4+ decades finding the best possible solutions for hair thinning and hair loss concerns. A wise array of solutions and concepts have been created to help fulfil this expectation. Read about these concepts Supernatural by AHS as well as AHS Complete and decide which is apt for your requirement.

How do I know what is hair loss ?

This question though is very simple on the look of it but it is also highly complex to answer. Most often we do find no two people having exact same kind of a concern. There are a number of aspects that decide if one is having hair loss or not. Some simple visible aspects are excessive fall of a long continued nature. Sometimes it is also evident with lost volume and quantity of hair.

How do I solve the problems stated above ?

As an organization we have been dealing in the solutions pertaining to retaining healthy hair as well as solving hair loss for more than four decades. The simplest of things is to understand your unique solution for your needs and reach us over a call or a physical visit and get the right answers. Book your self an appointment for a personalized hair check.

Do you have solutions for total baldness?

Yes. Of course. As a matter of fact, our hair loss centre in Ahmedabad has been here for near to a decade and has been able to resolve the concerns of many patrons. Also, it is interesting to understand that over 65% of our patrons visit our centres in a condition that is termed as an advanced condition. This condition would be a situation where the damage is on a higher side where one can see a large amount of thinning or visible scalp signifying that the total volume would have drastically reduced.

What procedure would you give such cases?

The solutions that can be considered on the outset are honestly very subjective to the individual’s needs. There could be possibility of doing retention procedures as well as restoration procedures. The concept of AHS Complete could be one of the top procedures that the individuals would consider for themselves looking at the past experience of our patrons who have visited our hair loss centre in Ahmedabad in past many years.

I have a lot of thinning. Should I be worried ?

When the initial signs of thinning come across it is difficult to ascertain the extent of damaged. However, it is known fact that by the time men and women notice the fact that the scalp has started to get visible it is majorly due to the thinning having been present for a longer duration. If the thinning is not controlled it does render the said area to undergo loss resulting in the area being without any evident amount of qualitative strong and sturdy hair.

What would you suggest to me as I am almost bald ?

Considering your age and your expectation there are still possible answers that our team of hair loss experts in Ahmedabad can give you. What matters foremost is how far you would want to reach with regards to results and accordingly the program can be customised to achieve the vision you would want to work towards with regards to results. No stage and no age are at limitation when it comes to possible answers that the experts at Advanced Hair have been designing for the past+ decades

Who will be performing the procedures?

Each procedure is designed with its specifics in mind. The areas where our surgeons are needed get managed by them and the areas where our other specialised team members are needed, they take over the same. On a totally different angle if we choose to answer the question with utmost honesty, we are proud to share that our team members constitute the best of the best individuals handpicked for various roles and responsibilities that come about in order to achieve certain specific requirements that our patrons have from us.

What is the most Advanced procedure or solution to fight hairloss?

There are a host of procedures and solutions that have been there through the test of time that as humans we have been working with. At each point of time in the history of hairloss solutions there has been a number of upgrades being done to advance the procedure results. Starting from days of believed solutions like oils to advent of medicated lotions, also in line were times when hair transplants were looked at the newest possible answers. The world has come a long way now from those days and today every passing year things are changing for the better and reaching each of the individuals who have been wanting to gain an insight in this realm of personal happiness. Understanding these expectations our team of Hair experts and practitioners across the world keep taking the bar above. Each of the solutions has to be customized to ones needs and requirements, hence pinpointing the best among the possibilities may not be an appropriate answer to look at. However you can look at some brief points of such possible answers. For details you can book your self a visit and our team will be more than happy to help.

Why a physical meeting is vital to know your hair issues?

We have spent the last 50+ years understanding and dealing with the problem of hairloss. The reasons can be multitude in nature. Hence to understand the full impact of your hair loss, and to determine the stage of your hair loss, thorough hair checking is required. So it is quite vital to have a detailed one-on-one meeting with an expert.

Do I need to follow any particular regime after finishing my procedure?

Honestly no. Most of the procedures are designed to accentuate the life of an individual and add to their spirit. Having said that yes some care for yourself goes a long way. The Ideal case is to follow some Dos and Don’ts suggested by your procedure specialist.

Does lack of sleep result in hair issues ?

Anything in excess and everything in limitation results into possible concerns. This is what many among us have noticed as well. Hence yes sleep deprivation also termed as insomnia is basically that act where the body goes through insufficient amounts of sleep. It has in many cases shown to have negative consequences on the body, which can lead directly and indirectly to conditions of hair loss and thinning hair. There are pre-existing conditions also which might be adding to the concerns together.

Is a stressful life going to get me bald ?

Similar as is the example of lack of sleep resulting in higher levels of stress which do also show various levels of a cause leading to hair loss. The hair, since it grows at quite a fast pace in our body it is also prone to possible concerns arising out of other concerns faced by the body. A stressful life can be something that one comes across in a manner of ebbs and tides, hence if one is able to translate these vagaries in a well-controlled manner there are good chances to find the right answers. With regards to baldness already being caused by such concerns we can take it forward by understanding the stage and accordingly find the appropriate solution for the balding issue faced.

How long can I continue having my results ?

The programs designed for our patrons across the world are designed to help them achieve their results as long as they would prefer and love to. Each module comes with its possibilities and that is where the knowhow and the experience of the hair expert team in Ahmedabad will be able to assure the results for as long as one would want.

What kind of procedures does Advanced Hair have?

Over the past many decades as an organization dealing in international clientele the team of hair experts has been able to devise a multitude of permutations and combinations to support different expectations. The array of services conceptualized and created for our hair loss clients have been designed to have the right kind of well researched products, medications, technology and skill set brought under one roof to support any kind of hair loss issues and help individuals regain their lost hair.

Which procedure would be offered to me?

That honestly depends on a number of factors. Hair loss is a complex issue. The solutions are not the only aspect to be looked into. As an organization we have learnt from our clients that for them the biggest aspects that matter are how the procedure results extenuate their age, gender, personality as well as expectations; to name a few. Hence each procedure needs to be customized to one’s individual requirements. It is hence quite vital to have a one on one discussion with the professional and experienced consultants at our studio’s to know what is the apt procedure for you. To book yourself a slot call on our dedicated Hairline 1800 103 11 91

How long does it take to get results and can I use any products like shampoos, oil etc., to stop the hair fall or for re growth?

Reasons of Hairloss as shared above are also multidimensional and hence are its answers. Results can be considered in a few seconds with Magic and can be 4 months+ for many of the other possibilities. With regards to usage of products. Yes one can use products like shampoos, oils, etc for the objective they are designed for. However it is also a known fact that such products can at the most help us for cleaning of the hair and the scalp. Hair regrowth may not have any direct correlation with their topical usage.

What is the ratio of success and failure of your procedures?

The successful sustenance of the hair loss expert in the industry is directly having a correlation with the success ratio of their results. The higher the success rate the longer the longivity. As a team the footprint of Advanced Hair Studio has been 50+ years in the making. Currently a total of more than 500,000 individuals are actively and successfully undergoing the various procedures across the organisation.

What are the precaution we need to take? For what hair loss or the procedures.

A good question to be asked as prior to any major decision in an individual's life, the individual should have these things in clear clarity. It is quite important to have a clear cut understanding of the same. It is also vital to have a predefined individual to support with the process. A full list of guidelines are available with each of the programs which can be followed without bringing much change to one's life and lifestyle.

Will medicines give results?

The first thing we try is to have adhoc medications. World's experience confirms that medications can do something but not all the times. Also it depends on the condition of your hair loss, but in most cases they do not give the desired results and may harm the body instead. You can also try our Laser Therapy in early stages and any of the replacement treatments if required. You can read more here.

Can we get natural hair growing on our entire scalp no matter what stage we are in?

Each program is designed to achieve different objectives. Hence the results of these corresponding programs are also accordingly achieved. Since the age / gender / hairloss condition, etc, for every individual is different it is vital to understand the total area of damage to identify if ones own hair can be maintained and results achieved over the full scalp. What also needs to be understood is the fact that the some concepts can definitely achieve the desired results for most of the individuals. Consider looking at Supernatural as well as Complete by Advanced Hair as some of the possible answers. To know more have a detailed discussions with our experts on 18001031191.

Should I perform Hair Transplant?

You should go for hair transplants only if the hair loss is in the stage where the follicles can not be revived. Check this blog to know if you should go for the hair transplant or not

What life changes do I need to do to be a part of these procedures.

Changes are good. But not always. Over the years what has been understood of the human mind is that the lesser one has to do the more happy one remains. Over the years our teams have identified ways to make no changes or have minimal changes to support your need to continue with your preferred lifestyle after opting for these procedures. The hair you get by any procedure will behave like your own. You can check out this video of Martin Crowe after hair replacement to add to your confidence in the programs designed specific to your needs.

What is the best suitable method for me?

To get the answer of this question, you need to visit us at one of our studios, so that we can check the condition of your hair loss . and know the severity of your hair loss and suggest the suitable method or the combination of different methods.

After undergoing the procedure, can I go to work?

Yes, these hair loss procedures are designed and perfected over the years to allow you exactly what you wish to do. So you can continue your life like always. Also it is vital to acknowledge that some initial Dos & Dont's might be needed to be followed depending on the procedure you have opted for.

What is the best non clinical solution for hair loss?

Fear of the unknown is the first thing we come across from clients such as yourself who have been suffering from the problem of hairloss. Most people do try to get the resolution in the most simplest of manner. Hence a non-clinical method is looked at such a juncture. Using hair oils or hair lotions, changing one food habits or lifestyle; all possible avenues that come to ones mind are tried. But research confirms that most of these non-clinical answers are a temporary solutions one tries to exploit. After the initial brush with such solutions there comes a time when an individual realizes that something seriously needs to be looked into. That is where our customized meetings come into play to help an individual understand in detail what all things they can look at and more important try to gain themselves the results one always dreamt off.

When can I get results ?

To get the appropriate level of your results it is vital to first understand what is the concern and what is the stage at which one is stationed. To get a detailed understanding a hair check is required to be done by a well trained ahir expert.

Can we have solutions to grow hair naturally ?

Everything honestly can depend on one simple fact. If the follicle is alive it is very much possible to have the natural regrowing hair coming back to us. However if the follicle is going dead the revival becomes difficult with every passing day.

Can you send you team to my home to do the session ?

For patrons such as yourself who are unable to visit our hair loss centre in Ahmedabad as per the required timelines of the program, our team of experts have designed the programs to be either quite short to be managed within our hair loss centres across India in a matter of a few days as well as have the programs managed from the comfort of your home. To know more about this, connect with your hair expert to see what customisation is possible in your choice of program.

Do I have to take care of a lot of after care ?

The program decides what kind of after care is needed. Most of the time the level of after care effort needed is fairly limited to a short duration. It also depends if you have any specific requirements then the timelines can be suggested on a case-to-case basis after understanding in details the expectations on the same line. The programs have been designed in a manner to support any kind of requirements that come along the course of the procedure chosen. Hence it can be said that your normal life can keep continuing without much of the things to be taken note off unless any specific guidelines have been laid to achieve your specific objectives.

Will services really work?

Affirmative. Over the past 4+ decades we have strived to create solutions that work. This is how we have successfully created accessibility of clients such as you, across the world. Each procedure and each concept is designed and customized to your individual requirements.

We have seen many companies where it really was waste of time & money.

Through life history of humankind no other concern has been talked this frequently as hair and its health. Over the years and the decades and centuries that humankind has gone through solutions for hair have been found and re-found but to less avail. Clients coming to us have most highly; tried or tested all the possible answers that they would have thought would work. Considering this fact as an organization we have developed our own way of functioning and finding solutions for your concerns as per your requirements. Stringent processes have been created and have been in place to get the best solutions to clients as your self since past 50+ years across the world. To know more of how we do this feel free to connect with us and get more knowhow of how we keep achieving this.

Will any procedure give me any side effect ?

The programs that might be suggested to you would have seen a large number of patrons undertaken them and the fact that the requisite trails are first taken and have approval from a host of institutions plays a very base to render no side effects.

Why was i never able to see this coming ?

The process of hair fall and hair loss though on similar path are very different. differentiation between hair fall and hair loss is often very difficult to ascertain on a daily basis leading to such confusion. The advanced hair check can help identify the issue to a larger extent.

Can I get the solution locally or would I have to travel for the best hair treatment, to Delhi?

In case we missed out to inform you, Advanced Hair Studio, Ludhiana has been operating in Punjab to give hair loss solutions for the past many years. All you need to do is book a visit to our Punjab office and get all your answers locally. No more would you need to travel to Delhi or Gurgaon to get the best solutions for your hair loss problems.

Where can I find the best hair loss treatment for men in Chandigarh, Punjab?

For the past many years our endeavour has been to keep satisfying as many men and women suffering from acute to drastic hair loss issues in the state of Punjab, who regularly visit our hair loss clinic in Ludhiana. There a large number of procedures available under one single roof for all types of hair loss concerns that a man or a woman might be facing. Do visit our centre to know more or talk to us today!

What is hair fixing?

Wigs, weaves, patches & a lot more. There have been a lot of options that have been created over the past many years and decades for camouflaging the balding hair of men and women. One such option is known as hair fixing. In case you are in higher stages of damage and are still looking to get a head full of hair for yourself, check out our Strand-by-Strand Cosmetic and AHS-Complete procedure options. These procedures are designed for achieving the 100 percent results of having a head full of hair in very severe stages of balding.

What is the cost of Hair Transplant?

One of the highest interest-bearing question that we come across quite frequently. The fact of the matter remains that hair transplant is not the only solution to one’s condition. It is wrongly believed among the masses that hair transplant can work for everyone and it is a generic procedure. As you would have seen in your own experiences undertaking any procedure on your body that the base cost can remain the same but the end cost is always variable to each individual requirement. To understand what is our individual requirement one needs to be aware of what one’s problem is. Only after this clarity is it possible to know the solution that one should undertake and hence come to the actual cost of one’s procedure. In case you want to have further reading on the aspect kindly go through this detailed article on cost of hair transplant, we have shared to answer this question.

Is PRP considered as a right solution for hair loss?

PRP technically is considered as a possible support solution for initial condition of hair thinning. Hair loss is a different subject all together. Also, the jury is out as to the actual efficacy of the procedure on different grades of hair loss suffers as the solution has been seen to work from some and not for the others. Also, what is important to understand is that the process has been mostly in the segment of research for a long period of time and the general feeling has been mixed to the end results gained due to a long list of reasons. This article on PRP may help you get a sound information to your query.

Can we keep using Minoxidil as at-home treatment?

Yes. This OTC drug has been seen to get fair amount of satisfaction to those in very early stages of hair thinning. Balding however is a different concern that has as yet not been addressed that well with this drug. Today the drug is openly available and marketed as well as an OTC drug, i.e. over-the-counter product. In long duration it has been openly accepted that the drug is unable to remain viable for obvious reasons of how the body behaves with external stimulus over the course of time. In case you wish to find more answers on this go through this article on how certain hair regrowth medications available OTC are expected to behave.

How do I get Consultation booking done?

The simplest thing to do in case you are looking to book yourself a consultation is to get an appointment booked for yourself so that the hair loss experts at our hair clinics across India are able to cater to your detailed needs. To book your visit to our hair loss clinics fill this Confidential Consultation Questionnaire. In case physical visit is not possible for you a virtual consultation can also be undertaken. In case you wish to visit physically at our hair loss clinic to get your hair check done you may look at our hair loss clinic locations here.

Are you available regularly to Vadodara city ?

Of course yes. Our experts regularly visit your city to keep such consultation camps. For detailed one-to-one private sessions you are always welcome to visit our hair loss clinic is Ahmedabad or have a virtual session as well.

Do you perform PRP?

Our procedures are spread among various segments. As a brand of international presence we bring a lot of procedures to your table. Many procedures are done regularly while some are under research.

All your brand ambassadors have taken treatment from AHS or they just be brand ambassadors?

One of the actual FAQ’s we get regularly. Each of our endorsers has been a client with us. Having seen the success themselves they are happy to share their experiences openly for which entire AHS is grateful to them for.

What is the result of the procedure ?

Results are personalised. Hence they are sure to be achieved. We design specific timelines for your specific needs. Hence we say our results are guaranteed.

What list of procedures do you have?

Advanced Hair Studio has multiple solutions that are designed for different needs. For helping our experts understand what is the ideal solution for your needs we request each of our clients to connect with our hair loss experts. In order to do that you can always reach us by visiting our offices or www.advancedhairstudioindia.com or choose to call our Tollfree on 1800 103 11 91 to book yourself a meeting with our hair experts.

What’s the cost?

Cost is dependent on the understanding of the requirement. Hence we strongly recommend to have a detailed hair check at our hair clinic near you in Chennai. Post understanding of your possible issues our hair experts can guide with the required solutions. If you would you like to book a consultation for yourself, call our expert now.

Where are you located?

The Advanced Hair clinic near you in chennai, is located at Nungambakkam. To get the detailed map to our hair clinic near you in chennai find us here.

Why aren’t you not in places like Kerala / Coimbatore ?

As a matter of fact, Advanced Hair Studio has had a long history of visiting all locations near chennai on a regular basis to help our clients in those locations know more about our team and our procedures. In case you would like us hold such hair check camps in your location, do give out a call to us and our teams will be happy to hold you a visit and get people near and dear to you the right hair answers. Do reach out to us.